Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I saw the new Sony reader a few weeks ago and it encouraged me to think there may be a future for electronic books. I hope so, just because I like the concept - no trees cut down, collection maintenance much easier (I think, though that may be naive), and I suspect I am just intriqued by the audio books being transferred over the net.

Library control

I thought of the New Market library and how they could have used this and maybe saved money on their software.

Value of 23 Things

I am cheating, of course, because I haven't finished the course, but I have to say it was an interesting trip and I want to keep pecking away at it. Clearly some of us had a steeper learning curve and it may be we are the ones who benefitted the most from these exercises. I am having lots of fun tormenting some of the smarty pants in the family with my suave use of terms like, permalink, and even, wiki, cause now I know marginally more than they do!

I learned that the human community is moving onto the net for personal contact, that people spend astonishing amounts of time in their computers, and that there is a lot going on that I am totally unaware of - a separate universe. Thanks for the opportunity and thanks especially to James and Lesa for their hard work, Mary

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Evolution of Dance

Turns out lots of people already know about this video. Just goes to show how culturally deprived I am.


Youtube could take hours, even a lifetime to play with. Interesting phenomenon. Obviously we could use the most-discussed category for library discussion group support. It looks like all sorts of issues are dealt with there. Do you get the feeling that Youtube is an interim format? Like it is going to become something else? I can't imagine what, naturally, or I would become very rich. And maybe I am just responding to the constant change in technology in general.